Sunday, August 20, 2006

Do you ever have issues with what God is asking you to do??? I mean serious issues..... like there are moments when I think I am on some sort of drug because God is asking me to do some crazy things....they seem completely impossible and completly crazy. I'm being tested in obediance.... and frankly I don't like it...and I'm not gonna pretend that I do at all..... but it all boils down to Do I follow God's will...or my own..... BOOOOOO why do things gotta be so darn hard?!?!?!?

I'll keep ya posted on what I do....

Saturday, August 12, 2006

God speaks

God just spoke to me through my MOM..... yes...MY MOM! She said things about me and my life that couldn't be from anybody other than God. I guess it was weird because it was sooo unexpected...and so....unusual. Just a warning to all of you out there...trying to hear God's voice. He does speak through people who may not believe in Him, remember He once used even a donkey....heck now that I think about it...He uses even me. Learn to discern His voice from that of the other's that are fighting for your attention......I mean if this moment would have happened just a few months ago I would have dismissed it and pushed all of those "words" aside and may have missed out on something amazing. The words she said confirmed so much in my heart....I can't even begin to let you all know.....