Saturday, September 23, 2006

the ache is deeper then I know

My heart hurts. It hurts so much. I can't even articulate the things that are going on inside, all I know is that it is breaking my very being. I'm having difficulties discerning the things of God and the things of Sasha. I feel like I'm running away....yet find myself running in random circles because I can't find my way. Is it possible to not want to follow God, yet have no other option but to follow God? The last thing that I want right now is His can I even say that?!??! He's brought me so far and done so much...and I have the audacity to want to reject His perfect will. Jonah tried to run from what he was called to do...and we all know where that left him. Do I just act like I'm ok with it....put on my mask and be ok with all the crap that I have to go through.... or is it ok to hurt...and not want it all....


Dawn said...

I think it is definatly ok to hurt! Everything is a process and sometimes that process is harder than anticipated~ and the crap that you go through sucks... i know how much this sucks.... but He IS trying to teach you something... just going about it in a way where you have to die to yourself in a new way you you can be healed more completely and not have reliance on anyone else but God.... Its a process that happens over and over again until we get it! I love you, you CAN do this! Be blessed, we will talk tonight!

JP said...

His hand hasn't left you for one moment. He hasn't let go of you for one moment. Plan; will; teaching. I don't know you, but I bet you can't say no when He just wants to come close to you andlove on his precious, hurting, daughter?