Tuesday, September 01, 2009

the dishes can wait.

I've lost all of my motivation.  I'm not sure where it went.  I guess after such a busy weekend of go go go it's nice to sit around, drinking coffee and planning something exciting, that at least doesn't make me feel guilty for all the dirty, smelly, dishes in the sink.

I feel at peace and haven't felt this way in a long time.  I think I'm learning to find a nice balance in my life.  Learning from people that it's ok to live spontaneously every once in a while and not have everything so structured and planned out because believe it or not that's who I was.  I had a 5 year plan and everything was suppose to go accordingly.  I guess that's the funny thing when God is involved because plans can become obsolete.

I know that I'm where I'm at for a reason.  I've known that God has called me to my job and has given me this crazy opportunity to help me grow, but to also heal me in a time where I didn't think things like that were ever possible.  I see the things that I've been equipped with and when I consider the possibilities they seem to be unending. 

The best thing about where I'm at is that I'm falling in love in more then one way.  Falling in love with you, with me, and with Jesus all over again and that feels like a good balance.  It's like the more I get to know you and see your strength, determination and talent I love you so much more and loving you helps me to love me because you see so much of me and love so much of me that I've never appreciated.  I don't know if that makes sense, and you making me see these things about me helps to point my attention to God and helps me to seek out and to see who He's made me to be.  That's neat.  I've never had that before.  Thank you. 

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